Spread Your Faith-Driven Message and Help More People

with the

Author Marketing Coaching Program

It’s all too easy to feel invisible online. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

For most writers, the challenge isn’t a lack of desire or potential. It’s the uncertainty about marketing—knowing where to begin, what steps to take, and how to avoid costly mistakes along the way. Let’s fix that.

You want your words to make an eternal impact,

but in today's crowded marketplace, you find yourself struggling to get your writing into the hands of the people who need it most. 

Despite your best efforts,

your book sales are stagnant,

your blog traffic is inconsistent and

your social media posts seem to get lost in the endless scroll.

That means getting your message right and taking the right steps is crucial. Every word, every strategy, and every action must be carefully crafted to maximize your impact and connect with your ideal audience

Are you driven by a powerful message you know the world needs to hear?

Do you have an unshakable calling to make a meaningful impact?

Do you know you're destined for greater success and influence—but struggle to find the right path?

I know just how you feel. 

  • You know that your words have the power to make a difference

  • But you’re frustrated, feeling like you're shouting into the void, unable to reach the hearts and lives of your ideal readers

  • You long to see your message spread further, to hear stories of lives transformed by the truth and hope you share

  • But the harder you try to market your writing on your own, the more overwhelmed and discouraged you feel. 

  • You're tired of spinning your wheels, pouring time and energy into strategies that don't seem to work. 

  • You wonder if you have what it takes to get your God-given message into the hands of the people who need it most

It’s Time to Adopt a Proven Plan

Nearly a decade ago, I began a transformative journey to discover how faith-driven messages reach those who need them most. I’ve studied with industry titans like Donald Miller, Amy Porterfield, JJ Pederson, and Rory Vaden, mastering proven marketing strategies.

I've empowered hundreds of small businesses, nonprofits, and personal brands to clarify their marketing message and attract ideal customers, donors, and readers.

Now, I'm thrilled to present my signature program, tailored specifically for the people I'm most passionate about serving: Faith-driven writers like you.

I know the importance of your work—how your God-inspired words can transform lives and make a mighty impact for His Kingdom. It fuels my passion for empowering faith-driven authors like you with the tools, strategies, and support you need to thrive in your calling.

Here’s How the Author Marketing Program Works


The Author Marketing Program is a 10-session coaching package for faith-driven writers who are ready to make a lasting impact. Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential and sharing your message with the world.

It all starts with a free 30-minute strategy call that you can schedule at your convenience. 


Inside the program, we’ll spend 10 sessions together and I’ll lead you through the 8-step Reader Connection Method. You’ll gain clarity on your unique message, connect with your ideal audience, and learn proven strategies to reach and engage them effectively. You won’t find this blend of author-specific marketing wisdom and practical marketing strategies anywhere else.


Put your newfound knowledge into action with the support and guidance you need. The program empowers you with the confidence and skills to take control of your marketing and build a strong, engaged readership.  As you implement all you learn, I’ll stay right beside you and help you execute with excellence!

Most writers don’t have a marketing plan.

With the Author Marketing Coaching Program, I’m ready to help you. . .

  • Transform your marketing efforts to gain increased sales, wider reach, and deeper reader connections. 

  • Feel confident in the way you share your message and convey it so it resonates with your ideal audience

  • Discover the simplicity of marketing concepts that—until now—have seemed complex and out of reach

  • Employ practical tools and strategies to connect with readers so your words are felt and embraced. No fluff, just actionable steps

  • Follow a proven, 8-step roadmap to reach into the hearts and minds of your readers

  • Create a loyal fan base that champions your work and buys your products

  • Increase visibility and reach the right audience, even in a crowded marketplace

Whether published authors, bloggers, devotional writers, or those just starting, my clients face a common struggle:  Feeling invisible in the online marketplace.

I’ve developed the reader connection method to help faith-driven authors get comfortable with marketing, reach a wider audience, and help more people. 

Here’s what clients are saying…

Meg from Texas

Cathy listened to my specific needs and pinpointed targeted solutions that are helping me be more successful.

Anthoney Farmer

Ya’ll are awesome at what you do!

Tim Barton

Their team carefully listened to our needs and then helped us simplify our message in a way that’s succinct and user-friendly so we can connect with the right people.

What’s Included?

Over 10 coaching sessions, we’ll follow an 8-step roadmap that covers these key strategies:

Your program includes:

Ten (10) 1:1 Coaching Sessions & Recordings ➜ $1,750 Value

Ten (10) Q&A / Application Sessions ➜ $750 Value

Social Media Flow / Strategy Package ➜ $350 Value

Goal Focus Worksheet ➜ $75 Value

Session Summary and Framework Worksheets ➜ $250 Value

Lifetime access to the Author Marketing Academy video course (coming soon) ➜ $500 Value

Signed Copy of my newest book release (coming soon) ➜ $25 Value

Total Value: $3,700

Your Price:  $1,220

You’ll discover how to implement the
exact steps my team and I have used to help clients.

  • Generate sustainable income from writing

  • Achieve greater reader engagement

  • Expand reach and impact

  • Improve brand credibility and authority

  • Enjoy fulfilling their calling

  • Feel greater confidence in marketing

  • Better steward their time and resources

  • Build legacies

Inside the Author Marketing Coaching Program, I’ll lead you to implement the Reader Connection Method to use the three-pronged approach to engage, encourage, and enrich your readers.

Imagine the joy and fulfillment of finally living out your calling as a faith-driven author.

Picture yourself:

  • Reaching thousands of new readers eager to hear your message and be transformed by your words

  • Receiving heartfelt emails and reviews from readers whose lives have been changed by your book

  • Seeing your book generate sustainable income for your writing ministry

  • Booking speaking engagements, interviews, and ministry partnerships that expand your reach and impact

  • Feeling the deep satisfaction of knowing you're leaving a legacy of faith and obedience

This is the abundant life God desires for you as a faith-driven author—and it's what's waiting for you inside the Author Marketing Coaching Program.

Why do authors need to get comfortable with marketing?

Too many writers have learned the hard way that marketing is the responsibility of authors, not publishers. 

Most don’t have a plan, so when it comes to marketing, they “wing it,” which is a costly and often ineffective experiment. 

I understand the burning passion within you to share your God-given message of hope with the world. You have a unique story and a powerful voice that can touch lives and inspire change. However, I also know that the path to reaching your audience and making a lasting impact can feel challenging and overwhelming.

This is why I am so passionate about working with faith-driven authors like you. I know your message matters and that it deserves to be heard by those who need it most. Your words have the power to bring light into the darkness and healing to the broken.  

I've witnessed the transformative power of words rooted in faith, and I am committed to helping you amplify your voice and extend your reach. All for God’s glory.

Through my own journey of learning from industry leaders and applying proven marketing strategies, I've discovered the keys to effectively communicating your message and attracting your ideal readers. I want to share this knowledge with you and guide you on your path to success. Because the very hearts and souls of your readers could be at stake. 

I invite you to join the Author Marketing Coaching Program today. 

is a sought-after marketing strategist who has worked with dozens of the fastest-growing faith-driven professionals, such as 305 Unlimited and Wall Builders, helping them multiply their impact through authentic connections with their audiences. 

Endorsed by Donald Miller, Tony Ford, and others, her insights are featured in podcasts, including Marketing Made Simple, numerous publications, keynote addresses, and international presentations.  

Cathy’s brand messaging expertise is certified by StoryBrand and endorsed by Dr. J.J. Pederson. 

Cathy founded the Author Marketing Academy to help faith-driven authors use the Reader Connection Method to get comfortable with marketing, reach a wider audience, and help more people.